1. Send a loved one some flowers.
  2. Invite a friend for tea or coffee.
  3. Plant a tree or some vegetables.
  4. Write a real letter!
  5. Make lunch for a neighbor.
  6. Pay for a stranger’s coffee.
  7. Surprise someone with some chocolate or a small gift.
  8. Smile to a stranger.
  9. Give a meal to a homeless.
  10. Babysit for someone for free.
  11. Leave a waiter a “Thank you” note.
  12. Water someone’s plants or flowers.
  13. Bake some cookies.
  14. Help someone cross the street.
  15. Let a stranger go in front of you in a line.
  16. Donate some books to your local library.
  17. Hold the door for someone.
  18. Reconnect with friends you haven’t seen in a while.
  19. Send a book you love to someone.
  20. Give up your seat for a stranger on the bus or the subway.
  21. Give your friend a ride.
  22. Give a call to a relative.
  23. Bring donuts to work.
  24. Volunteer at a homeless shelter.
  25. Give someone a handmade card.
  26. Write a list of things you love about a person and give it to them.
  27. Read to an elderly person.
  28. Leave a nice note on a stranger’s car.
  29. Make someone a happy playlist.
  30. Pay someone’s movie ticket.
  31. Choose your favorite quotes, print them, and leave them in places people would find and read.
  32. Write your favorite motivational quotes and put them on the walls all over the house.
  33. Make an inspirational playlist for yourself.
  34. Read an inspirational book.
  35. Declutter your workspace.
  36. Exercise for 30 minutes.
  37. Go out in nature.
  38. Listen to a motivational talk or podcast.
  39. Lie down and look at the sky and let it calm you down and give you new thoughts.
  40. Take a cold shower to fully wake up.
  41. Meditate for 15 minutes.
  42. Dance for 15 minutes.
  43. Run for 15 minutes.
  44. Write down a list of things you’re grateful for.
  45. Tidy your room.
  46. Listen to music from a genre you don’t usually listen to.
  47. Write down anything that comes to mind for 15 minutes.
  48. Get a new houseplant and take care of it.
  49. Take up a new hobby, like knitting or gardening.
  50. Watch a feel-good film.
  51. Motivate others- it comes back to you!
  52. Put up a beautiful picture on your wall where you see it all the time.
  53. Make a video of yourself talking about your goals and plans.
  54. Set a fitness goal.
  55. Rearrange your room in a new way that makes it look cozier.
  56. Try another country’s cuisine.
  57. Exercise in nature.
  58. Try a new dessert recipe.
  59. Visit a spot in town you haven’t visited before.
  60. Try a new drink.
  61. Try a DIY face mask.
  62. Download a relaxing app.
  63. Go to a new café.
  64. Take yourself to lunch.
  65. Go to a farmer’s market.
  66. Read a book in the park.
  67. Go for a bike ride.
  68. Visit a new library.
  69. Watch a silent film.
  70. Listen to an educational TED talk.
  71. Listen to an educational podcast.
  72. Breathe in and out slowly for five minutes.
  73. Go to a museum.
  74. Write a letter to your future self.
  75. Read a personal development article.
  76. Try on all of your clothes and donate the ones you don’t like anymore.
  77. Say something nice to a coworker.
  78. Brew some herbal tea and relax.
  79. Compliment someone.
  80. Make a feel-good playlist.
  81. Surprise a friend.
  82. Buy something from a small local business.
  83. Encourage a friend to do something they’ve always wanted to try.
  84. Smile at the person taking your order.
  85. Write yourself a thank-you letter.
  86. Leave a book on a bench in the park or a bus for someone to find.
  87. Pass out sandwiches to the homeless.
  88. Send someone a postcard.
  89. Host a fun gathering with friends.
  90. Frame a picture and give it to a loved one.
  91. At the end of the day, write down one thing you’re grateful for on that day.
  92. Make a list of all the good things you’ve done recently.
  93. Invite somebody new to lunch.
  94. Write down everything you love about your appearance.
  95. Give someone a hug.
  96. Make a friend their favorite meal.
  97. Spend time with a kid and make him/her happy.
  98. Give a call to your mom or dad.
  99. Send a personalized digital card to someone.
  100. Send a thank-you letter to someone.
  101. Do a game night. Take out your board games and have fun!
  102. Go hiking.